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Next PhilHealth chief must have financial and risk management background REYES URGE REVIEW OF PHILHEALTH MANDATE
The Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) is an insurance firm. A fund catering to health services. Wouldn’t it be correct that its management and leadership have health, financial, and risk management background?”
This ANAKALUSUGAN Party-list Representative Ray Florence Reyes asked in a Committee Hearing on Thursday as he expressed hope that the House of Representatives soon conducts a review of Republic Act No. 7875 or the National health Insurance Program Law to address the issues ailing the PhilHealth.
Rep. Reyes proposed further that the agency should be treated “in equal footing” with other government financial institutions due to the nature of its operations and be regulated in the manner other insurance firms’ books and operations are overseen.
“Should we go into efforts to review and further amend the charter, government regulators must exercise step-in powers to timely address financial issues hounding PhilHealth,” Rep. Reyes stated.