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AnaKalusugan party-list: Health practice in PH “marginalized”
AnaKalusugan Party-list nominee Ray Reyes lamented that health practice in the country has become “marginalized” because of the low benefits received by health workers, especially those working at the barangay level under contractual or job order arrangements.
In a Zoom discussion initiated by the Rotary Club Cubao-Kamias members late Thursday evening, Reyes said some health workers choose to leave the country because of better compensation abroad.
“If you see how doctors are being treated here, and you see how other countries where their merits are considered, you could say that the practice here has been marginalized.
Not only that, here, they are not well compensated, and they do not have the right and proper recognition” Reyes said.
AnaKalusugan Party-list, he said, will continue to push for higher salary of health workers, including the barangay health workers who remain as frontliners in their own communities.
He said giving proper compensation to BHWs and arming them with proper training and equipment will also better the country’s response against current and future health crises.
“We have House Bills that we intend to pursue like the regularization of the BHWs.
We intend to increase the minimum salary of the medical personnel, nurses, and doctors in public hospitals,” Reyes said.
In August last year, AnaKalusugan Partylist led other lawmakers in filing House Bill 10112 which sought to increase funding for the compensation of BHWs to be sourced from the additional funds that local government units will receive upon the implementation of the Supreme Court’s Mandanas-Garcia ruling.